Sugar Lip Sammy!

Posted By on February 28, 2013

Sam really loves those little powdered sugar donuts. She asks for them all the time and, frankly, they are darn good so we tend to have them in the house a lot. She is so funny when she eats them though because she shoves so much donut in her mouth at one time it is like she is afraid we are going to grab it out of her hand. She always winds up with powdered sugar all over her mouth. The other morning, I jokingly started calling her “Sugar Lip Sammy”  and told her it was her blues name. I started singing a silly made up blues song about donuts and dancing her around. The song that went something like this (you have to imagine the blues riff, sadly, that cannot be conveyed in a blog post):

I was eating some donuts

[Da na na na na]

Then they were gone

[Da na na na na]

I went to the store, and I




I’m Sugar Lip Sammmmyyyyyyy…

I got some moooorre!

[Da na na na na]

The cutest part was (definitely) not my (not so) amazing ability to create blues songs on the fly, but rather, the fact that after that, Sam kept coming up with lines all by herself. I’d hear her singing in a bluesy way something about “going to the stooore…getting donuuuuuuts”  and I would just crack up. She totally went with it and liked her blues name.

I guess all that music Mark and I keep playing for her is having some influence. She likes her Laurie Berkner kids music CD but she also loves actual adult music just as much, if not more. We keep trying to expose her to more and more artists and it seems to be paying off.  I think at this point, maybe some actual blues would be appropriate though…she can do without her mommy’s really sad attempts at song writing and learn from some real masters. Mark, get on that!

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