Springtime Fun

Posted By on April 2, 2013

Well, it’s technically spring.  It still hasn’t been very springlike, weatherwise, but at least on this day, it was warm. Windy, but warm. It was the perfect day to let Sam run around like a crazy person in our yard. She was a little reluctant because of the wind, but I finally convinced her to go as long as she was allowed to wear a hat to keep her hair from blowing around.

She looked so cute in her orange hat that Mark wanted to take some pictures. I couldn’t believe my luck finding this hat. I was poking around in a little kids boutique and saw these hats and other accessories with letters on them. The orange hat randomly had an S! It was pure luck.

We never did manage to get Mark in any of our pictures on Easter, so I made sure I took some when we were outside.

Off she goes! Sam loves to get her picture taken, but it is usually in small spurts at one time.  I guess that’s being a kid — all full of energy and too full of spunk to stand still.

She stopped for a while to ponder her next move. I was sitting on the ground right in front of her and managed to get this cute shot.

Sam was kind of done smiling until she was the victim of the tickle monster!

She was done with the photos and ready to just run around and play. She loves to hide under her hats. Where’s Sammy?

There she is!

She dug out her rock collection and was showing me all her very best rocks. We have such a huge bucketful and if you try to ditch them, even one, she knows!

Almost every day, Sam asks me to spin her. It always ends up with her feet flying off the ground. We never did it outside before, so I thought she would think it was fun. At least it gave us more room than our kitchen, which is usually where we spin.

Hopefully, the warm weather will come soon. Mark and I are both looking forward to spending more time outside.  Sam really misses going to the playground and running around outside. She tells me she wants to go to the beach so often that I wonder how we are going to make it through the summer. Ah, the beach, the pool, the playground, all those fun warm weather things are coming.  Come on Mother Nature — let’s get moving!!

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