Sam’s new tub

Posted By on May 24, 2013

We have been in the middle of a complete bathroom remodel for the last month or so, and I have to say, Sam has been incredibly patient. Our upstairs is a bit of a mess, to say the least, there are strangers in our house every day (who are becoming less like strangers when you see them for weeks at a time) and it is noisy. Mondays and Fridays when we are home have been hard, but she has been great. Every day we take her in to see the demolition and the rebuilding. She finds it as exciting as we do! Thankfully, we have a second shower and two other toilets so the process has not been a huge inconvenience. The hardest part is giving Sam a bath. She won’t shower so my mom has been giving her baths during the week and I go over on the weekend. Well, the tub is finally in – unusable yet, but in. Sam was so thrilled at her new tub she asked me to take her picture with it. So, Sam, here you go!

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