Looking at nature
Posted By pamelamyers on June 22, 2013
Today we decided it was too nice a day to stay in and stare at the walls so we went back to Heinz Wildlife Refuge for a nice walk. It is really quite nice there, quiet, and you can sometimes see some cool birds. We did see a deer once, but I think that was pretty lucky. Sam likes to walk the long bridge and look at the fish, hunt for turtles, and see which birds are hanging about. Herons are there often and she likes those.
Mark bought me some walking sticks for Mother’s Day since we do like to go out and about a lot and my knees give me trouble. Sam quickly absconded with them for herself. Taken down to their almost closed position, they actually work quite nicely for her!
That morning, she insisted on my putting her fancy barrette in her hair. Oh, McDonald’s, thank you so much for your lovely Happy Meal toys…
It is really a nice place to walk, and perfect for Sam. Flat and with enough stuff to look at to hold her attention.
We stopped by the water to see if we saw anything interesting. And also for a hug. 🙂
Mark and Sam were investigating all the things that grow by the water.
She had a good day, that is for sure. Look at that happy face!
There are some really nice flowers growing at Heinz, including Milk Thistle, which Sam had never seen before.
Another successful trip into the great outdoors!
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