Pool Time!

Posted By on June 24, 2013

Even though the pool has been open since Memorial Day, it has been so cold since then that the pool wasn’t really the place to be. Actually, I took Sam to the pool for the first time only about a week ago. We didn’t spend a heck of a lot of time in anything but the baby pool since the main pool was cold, but Sam had fun. These pictures are from yesterday, Sam’s second trip to the pool, when Mark was able to come with us.

When she outgrew her little boat that she had as a baby, I had a hard time finding something with a seat in it, that she could actually float in when we took her into the big pool. Everything you usually find is just a ring that she would have to hold onto. Last year down the shore, I found this awesome snail that has a seat, and it is made just for a kid her age.

She loves her snail!

This is how Sam usually winds up when we get out of the water, no matter how hot a day it is.  Snuggling up in her kitty towel is almost as good for her as playing in the pool!

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