My pretty girl

Posted By on June 24, 2013

Samantha looked so pretty, and so grown up, in her new shirt (thanks Mom Mom!) that we had to take some pictures. I can’t get over how gorgeous she is, and how much she seems to have grown every time I look at her.

She is always full of smiles, our little girl.

This September she starts preschool and I think she is really ready. She has matured a lot in the last few months. She acts like such a girl, not a baby or a toddler.

One last pose.  I wanted to get a nice picture of her whole outfit since it is so, well, Samantha, but she wasn’t cooperating.  This picture reminds me of that old Madonna dance craze, Vogue.  She’s such a ham!

One Response to “My pretty girl”

  1. Mom mom says:

    She look so beautiful….

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