Sam’s Southern Relations
Posted By pamelamyers on July 2, 2013
Recently, my cousin John and his family spent a week in Philadelphia visiting family, sightseeing, and just generally enjoying John’s roots! Sam loves when our assorted far flung family come to call, so she loved having them here. Not surprisingly, she attached herself immediately to John’s daughter, Lexi. Thankfully, Lexi was just as excited to meet Sam so she didn’t mind spending a ton of time playing with her.
We all had a great time visiting and I will miss my family when they are gone. 🙁 We are already planning on trying to go to visit everyone in Texas next year. It would be Sam’s first airplane ride, and what a great time she would have! Hopefully, we will be seeing John, Jeannie, Andrew, Nicholas and Lexi (as well as the rest of my family) very soon! We love you all!
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Great picture of Sam and Lexie. Lexie is very pretty.