Posted By pamelamyers on July 14, 2013
For some reason, Sam got it into her head that we needed to make cookies. I was going to go with the old standby, chocolate chip, since they are so easy, but she wanted to do roll out cookies. With cookie cutters. And rolling pins. NOT my favorite. But, the good mommy that I am, I plunged onward and roll out cookies we made! She helped me cut them out with the cookie cutters and put them all on the pans.
After cutting them out and baking them, Sam couldn’t wait to decorate. I thankfully had some cookie frosting in the house and we always have lots of sprinkles!
I think she did a great job! I left all the decorating to her. She kept telling me that all the sprinkles under the drying rack were having a party – I guess it looked festive under there to her!
They were mighty tasty too, if I do say so myself! Great-Grandmom Brynes recipe never steers you wrong. 🙂
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