SAP Summer Picnic 2013
Posted By pamelamyers on July 22, 2013
Yesterday was Mark’s summer picnic at SAP. We have been going for so many years but the last few, with Sam, have definitely been the best. There are a lot of activities for the little ones so it makes it more fun to have her with us. I remember so many years going and wishing we had a child of our own to have fun with, and look at us now!
One of the first tasks of the day was to hit the skeeball game. I love it, and Sam likes to help me play.
She hasn’t quite mastered the game yet. The act of rolling the ball seems to escape her in skeeball. She much prefers throwing it wildly, as you can see, it is airborne! She did manage to win a bear though, which just made her day.
Next stop, the carousel! Sam loves to ride the carousel no matter where we go. Maddox seemed to like it too, although the cotton candy was more his concern at the moment.
Sam has been so much more adventurous about rides so we thought maybe she and Maddox would like to ride together. The ladybugs went a little faster than Sam would have liked, but she did ok anyway.
Our last ride was the Ferris wheel. Mark and I love the Ferris wheel and always take Sam. It was hard to take a good family portrait while holding the camera at arm’s length, but Mark didn’t too do badly!
Krista, Adam and Maddox went on all the rides too (and even some super fast ones!) It has been really nice to be able to have them come with us now each year.
We stopped to eat and Sam was jamming to the music. I have some adorable video of her dancing with her bear. Mark took her out onto the grass to boogie down!
One last picture of our wiped out little girl. She had all of her loot, it was hot and she was tired. A few more activities (like the moonbounce) for her, and we had to call it quits and go home. But it was a wonderful, fun day and I hope we get to do it all over again next year.
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