August 27, 2009 – the last ultrasound

Posted By on August 30, 2009

Today I had my last ultrasound, and thus, our last pictures of Sam before she is born.  It was exciting, as always, but also sad because I knew we were going to catch our last glimpse of our little girl for a while.  But on to the more important things….she is great!  As always, she is looking wonderful.  All of her measurements were perfect for a 36 week old, her heart rate was strong, and we could see her breathing, which was really cool.  Dr. Gerson said that at her 32 week ultrasound she was a perfect 32 week old, and now she is a perfect 36 week old, so that’s important because it shows sustained, consistent growth.  This ultrasound took a while — I had who I think was a resident come in and do the first scan (he had a bit of a hard time, but I guess that’s why they are there – to learn), then the sonographer came in, THEN Dr. Gerson came in.  So we had a long time to peek at Samanatha.  Despite the multiple people looking at her, they all had the same consensus — that she is about 6 pounds 1 ounce now.  So Dr. Bailey was pretty darn close!

Here is the latest candid of our little girl.  She is sucking her thumb!  Which is a vast improvement over the original position she was in when they tried to take a photo and her foot was in front of her face ; )


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