Another great day at Tyler
Posted By pamelamyers on August 24, 2013
We spent another fun day at Tyler Arboretum. We really do love that place. It is always a good time. Today was the Butterfly Festival which is the day the butterfly house is closed and they are all set free. In retrospect, it was not necessarily the greatest day to go since it was mobbed (we usually are there when no events are going on) but there was a lot to do to amuse Sam.
There was an exhibit with some cool bugs – Sam actually touched this African millipede or whatever it was. It was huge! I touched it too, it was just really smooth, not wet or slimy or anything, but I was proud of her for doing it since he looked kind of gross!
We stopped at the pond, which is always fun. Only once we saw a frog on the edge but every single time we go she has to look for them. I always think maybe we will get lucky, but not this time. Mark brought the binoculars though so Sam could get a better look at the turtles, which are always sunning themselves there.
As you can see, Sam loved them!
Mark’s parents came along this time, which was really nice. Sam got to show them all of her favorite places in the park.
One of Sam’s favorite places is this little house that is full of books. Each time we go, she makes me read at least one or two.
Sam wanted to read The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. I started reading it, but boy, that book is long!
Ah, the frogs. Sam loves the frogs. Hopefully, she won’t have to kiss too many as she gets older before finding her prince. She deserves the best, after all!
We were in the vegetable garden and Sam found some cool things. I think this was a seed pod of some kind.
Of course, Sam had to bury it so it would grow. It is hard to explain to her about plants sometimes – what grows when picked, what doesn’t – but she tries all the same. I think it is good that she at least tries to understand and respects nature.
Mark found her this tiny little watermelon. She was so excited about it that we had to go back and see it quite a few times.
Last stop was the benches next to the fragrance garden, another favorite spot. Sam specifically asked me to take her picture here. As you can see, she posed pretty nicely!
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I can see in these pictures how much Sam has grown since I last saw her. It is unbelievable how fast children grow.