Sam’s first ever school party

Posted By on September 24, 2013

Yesterday was Sam’s first ever school party! Since it was her actual birthday and she had school, they had her birthday celebration at snack time. I made cupcakes and Mark and I went in a snack time to help celebrate. It was the cutest thing ever. When we walked upstairs to her classroom, all the kids were waiting on the rug for circle time and Sam was in a chair wearing a birthday hat and a huge smile! It was the highlight of her day having Mark and I come into her school.

We both were allowed to read for circle time and I brought one of Sam’s favorite books, “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson.


Mark read one of Sam’s other favorites, “Russell the Sheep” by Rob Scotton.


After we read, she showed us how since it was her special day, she got to do all the jobs (which is a huge deal for the kids). Her favorite was that she got to dress up the frog for the day.


Then it was cake time! All the kids went to their tables and sang Happy Birthday to Sam. She got to use the cupcake placemat, which also is a very special thing.


Mrs. McCann was nice enough to take this family photo to commemorate the day!


After her party, I had a little time before dismissal so I just hung out for a bit. When the door opens and the kids are dismissed, there is always a “line leader”.  Everyone wants to be line leader, and since it was Sam’s birthday, it was her day. She was so excited to see me she barely had the Stop sign in the air!


Here are some pictures of our little girl, who is not so little anymore! She is so beautiful, inside and out.





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