Fire truck visit
Posted By pamelamyers on September 30, 2013
Today the Springfield Fire Company visited Sam’s school. She was so excited going to school I thought she was going to explode. Every year we take her to the Fire Company’s open house and she loves it. As you can imagine, it was a big hit. The kids got fire hats and were wearing them when they came out. A whole line of mini fire fighters was a very cute sight to see.
I picked her up at school and we walked home and she told me all about it. I will confess to driving by in the early afternoon to see if the truck was there and it was — the really big ladder truck. All the kids were lined up outside. Here is photo from the Springfield Fire Company website. When I got to the school, they ladder was up and extended. I can imagine the kids thought it was amazing.
I asked Sam what happened and she told me that the fireman took Mrs. McCann way up on the ladder, “but not a climbing ladder.” I asked if Mrs. McCann was scared and Sam said no. I asked her if the fireman told her to Stop Drop and Roll but she said he told them, “If you have a favorite toy, you tell the fireman what toy it is and what room it is in and he will go get it for you.” I suppose they were trying to make the kids understand that they shouldn’t stay in a burning room to retrieve a toy, which is a good lesson. Kids would do that, I suppose.
In the next week or so the Fire Company has the annual open house again so we will be heading there too. More fire trucks! More fire hats! More adventure for our little Sam.
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