Giving thanks

Posted By on October 28, 2013

Sam came downstairs this morning and wanted to just hang out on the couch for a while and watch TV. She asked me if she could lay under her owl blanket, which she uses all the time. She said to me, “I am never going to give my owl blanket away”. She has been saying something like that all time lately, “I am never going to give [x] away” probably because I keep telling her if she doesn’t start playing with her million toys that she never plays with, I am going to give them away to kids who have no toys. Anyway, after she said it, I said, “You love your owl blanket don’t you? You got it for Christmas last year, remember?” and she asked me if Santa brought it to her and I told her yes. Then she said the sweetest thing. She said maybe we could write a letter to Santa and tell him thank you for my owl blanket.

I always knew that Sam was a sweet, sensitive girl, a girl who truly cares about other people’s feelings, a girl who is polite, says please, says thank you. But for her to think to say thank you to Santa was more than I ever expected. I told her that would be very, very nice indeed since I don’t think Santa gets many thank yous. But he did today. And this Santa’s helper won’t forget.

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