Morning loveliness

Posted By on October 28, 2013

Mark hasn’t taken any morning photos of Sam for a while but he got the urge this past weekend and Sam was in the mood. It is hard to pass up good lighting and a cooperative child. He managed to get some really good shots on both days.

How she looks so happy and so spunky in the mornings amazes me. She certainly didn’t get that from us. Neither Mark nor I are “morning people.”




She has the most expressive face. You can just see the thoughts racing across her brain.



Mark was near the door trying to get good light and the wind came up. She is really due for a slight trim to her hair, what will be her first, but when I see it doing things like this it makes me not want to cut a millimeter. That gorgeous hair!


I could just kiss that face! How could anyone resist those little lips? Ok, boys, back off!!


She really is such a good little model. Sam hadn’t been sleeping well, but she just keeps on going and smiling.




What a perfect final shot for this post.  Bye bye!



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