Spooks and Fairies and Superheroes, on Parade!
Posted By pamelamyers on October 30, 2013
Today was Sam’s very first Halloween parade at school. She was so excited the entire day. It is a Wednesday, so I was working and my mom was taking her to school. She apparently talked about nothing but school the entire day. I know she likes to go to school, but my mom said it was early morning and she wanted to know if it was time to go yet! It was supposed to be outside, but since the weather was so terrible (it rained in the morning and was cold cold cold!) the school moved it inside to the church. The kids paraded up the aisle and then sang all the Halloween songs they have been practicing. Like I said, I had to work, but since the parade was a lunchtime, I drove over to the school to see her. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Not only would Sam have been sad if I didn’t go, but I would never have wanted to miss such a momentous occasion. Mark was able to go too since he works at home which is so great for Sam. Most dads aren’t there at the school like he is able to be. The icing on the cake for Sam was that ALL of her grandparents came too.
Sam seemed a bit overwhelmed at first, as you can see from her face. I was at the end of the aisle with Mark trying to get a good picture of her so I didn’t see it, but my mom said that while Sam was walking up she gave them a little waist-high wave.
All the kids lined up and sang. At first, Sam was a little shy about it and wasn’t really singing.
Eventually Sam joined right in and even did the motions they had been doing in school that accompany some of the songs. Her favorite that she had been singing at home is Stirring Our Brew, which goes like this:
Stirring and stirring and stirring our brew… (Pretend to stir.)
Wooooooo! Wooooooo! (Cup hands by mouth.)
Stirring and stirring and stirring our brew… (Pretend to stir.)
Wooooooo! Wooooooo! (Cup hands by mouth.)
Tip-toe. Tip-toe. BOO! (Pretend to tip-toe.)
Her other favorite is I’m a Nut, which goes like this:
I’m an acorn, small and round (Pretend to hold an acorn in your fingers.)
Lying on the cold, cold ground (Cross your arms on your chest and shiver.)
People always step on me. (Touch your foot to the ground on “step”)
That is why I’m cracked, you see. (Make a fist and tap your head on “cracked”)
I’m a nut. (Lightly rap your head twice as you click your tongue)
I’m a nut. (Rap your head again)
I’m a nut. I’m a nut. I’m a nut. (Rap your head again)
After the parade and the songs were over, the kids went back inside to school to start their day, as usual. I am sure it was hard to keep them all contained though! Those poor teachers! The kids came home with gift bags full of Halloween trinkets and thrilled as could be that they got to see their friends in costume. We were so proud of her today. I can’t believe I just attended my little girl’s first school “show”. Where did the time go? It does keep marching on whether I am ready for it or not. It was certainly a treat seeing her, even if it did make me a little sad to see her growing up so fast. Now we just need to get her on to actual trick or treating!
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So glad Sam had such a good Halloween.