Mitten Tree
Posted By pamelamyers on November 22, 2013
Sam’s school is trying to foster the spirit of giving and generosity, so they asked all the parents to send in a new pair of mittens for the kids to hang on the “Mitten Tree”. The mittens would all be donated to kids in need. Sam loved the idea, even though I don’t think she quite understood exactly who was getting these mittens (she wanted to keep them for herself for a while there). But when we got to school and I showed her the tree and told her that Mrs. McCann would bring them all down together to hang their mittens on it, she was pretty excited. Today when I went to pick her up I stopped to take a picture. The mittens Sam brought in are at the bottom, pink with hearts on them.
I hope she really understood what they were trying to do – giving to those who are less fortunate. Mark and I believe in giving to worthy causes, doing volunteer work, and things like that. When she is older, we hope to find something we can all do as a family to volunteer. Mark and I used to love volunteering for the SPCA, and for a while, before I got pregnant, I did volunteer work with a local cat rescue. I think we are doing a pretty good job of raising a child who cares about other people, the earth, and the animals who roam it. Thankfully, her school is also fostering that sentiment.
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I think the mitten tree is a wonderful idea even if Sam doesn’t exactly get it. Eventually she will. And Sam has the kind of sweet soul that will want to help those less fortunate than her.