Christmas Morning, Part 2 – Off to Grandmom and Poppy’s House!

Posted By on December 27, 2013

Next stop after home is always Grandmom and Poppy’s house. When there are oodles of presents to open, you have to get an early start!


Sam was super ready to open more gifts! She has been looking at her pile of princess-wrapped presents for weeks.


Once again, her stocking drew her interest before half of her gifts.


Grandmom gets a smooch for making her a new photo book from our vacation photos this past summer. You can see some of her gifts, a Cinderella, complete with mice, and the Lalaloopsy she has been waiting for, in the background. This was the first year Sam got Barbie dolls and clothes too.


Sam helped Poppy open his gift from her, a picture of them together that she drew.


We always have to include the kitties in the celebrations! Blackie was no exception. He is always good for a cuddle.


Bella is harder to hug, but at least she hung out with us. Those crazy cats – why do they all love the paper and boxes?


Next stop, home again to feed Zephyr cat then off to see Mom Mom and Pop Pop!

One Response to “Christmas Morning, Part 2 – Off to Grandmom and Poppy’s House!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    How does Sam have time to play with all of the toys she got. I bet she was excited about the Barbie Dolls.

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