Goodbye, Blackie Cat
Posted By pamelamyers on January 14, 2014
Yesterday, we lost our very dear friend, Blackie. Although he lived with Sam’s Grandmom and Poppy, he was very much a part of our family. Of all the cats, Zephyr, Blackie, Bella, and even Muffin whom we lost when Sam was so young, Blackie was Sam’s best pal. He was the most tolerant of her hugs, her squeezes, her dressing him up, and all of her shenanigans. She loved him so tremendously. Blackie was 17 and for a few years now, my mom has been telling Sam to be gentle with him because he is an old guy. Without fail, each time she was told that, Sam would reply, “He is not an old guy, he is a very good guy!” To Sam, he was just perfect. And I think to Blackie, Sam was pretty perfect too, as far as little girls go. He always came to look for her on the days she spent at my parents’ house, and if he didn’t, Sam was always running to look for him.
Like any old cat, he slowed down, and then ran into health problems that couldn’t be fixed. Sam doesn’t quite understand what happened and when we gave her the sad news she asked us why the doctor couldn’t fix him. Sam, I wish we could answer that question. Believe me, I do. She is very sad, but she does know that he is in heaven now playing with his best friend, Smoke, and also with Muffin. That helps comfort her a bit.
We miss you, Blackie. You were a good friend to all of us, but I will forever hold a place for you in my heart because of the love you showed my little girl. Sleep well, little guy.
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Such sweet pictures. I did not realize that Blackie was 17. He was so sweet to be so kind to Sam.
Makes me cry every time I see these pictures.