
Posted By on January 27, 2014

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve had a heck of a lot of snow in the Northeast recently. The new just reported that last year, which was such a disappointment to Sam, we got a whopping 2.5 inches of snow the whole winter season. This year, so far (and it’s only January) we have gotten over 33 inches. We have one happy little girl, that is for sure. Mark has taken her sledding a bunch of times already. I really do try to do fun, kid things, but snow is just not my thing. Thank God Mark is ready, willing and able to take Sam out to play. She deserves this kid fun that I had when I was her age. I don’t know what happened. I LOVED snow when I was her age. I would spend hours and hours outside playing until I just about had frostbite, but now, I just don’t like it. It drains me, the thought of all the snow. I do play with Sam as much as I can, but I can’t get into it the way Mark can. I love him for that (among other things). He gives Sam the experiences every little kid should have.

This weekend, on top of the massive amount of snow we already have, we got even MORE snow. It was supposed to be a 1-3 inche at most, but it turned out to be a lot more than expected. I haven’t seen any official snow totals, but I would bet we got around 5 inches. Anyway, Mark went into our shed and dug out his old sled that he has had since he was a kid. I still remember when he first put that sled in out shed a million years ago. He hoped someday he would be able to use it with our own child. For a long time, that seemed like it would never be a reality. But…you just never know. It was a good thing he didn’t give up on that sled, or our dream of being parents, because now Sam is here! And boy does she like to go sledding! When he brought his sled into the house she was super excited to try it out. He explained to her how you sit on it, and how you steer and she kept trying out all the different ways she thought you could sit on it and still manage to move the steering mechanism. I was actually pretty impressed at how many ways she had figured out.

Off Mark and Sam went to the sledding hill! It was still snowing when they set off, which was great since there were so few kids on the hill. Steering is not her strong suit, so having very few people in her way on the hill is a good thing. I just love the pure joy on her face on this sled, with her dad. She was so proud to be using her Daddy’s sled.


Heading up the massive hill is a big trek, but Sam did it with a smile.


They went again and again, and every time, even in the wipeouts, Sam just smiled and laughed. She wouldn’t go by herself on this sled, but she loved going all the same.



As she heads off down the hill she shouts, “And away!!” It is the cutest thing ever.



Here is our Sammy, on a sled that is probably at least 30 years old but still sails down the hill like lightning! I hope it brings back good memories for Mark.


Even though I was there solely as photographer to commemorate the event, Sam talked me into going down with her. It is impossible to resist that girl, I swear. I am glad she talked me into it. We had a blast. And didn’t even wipe out! I was pretty impressed with myself, I must say!



That walk up the hill is brutal! We look like we are at the North Pole!



This is by far my favorite picture of the day. I love the absolute joy on both of their faces.



On Thursday, at my parents’ house, Sam had some fun in the snow too. I wish I could have seen her heading down the huge hill in front of my house that I sledded so many times as a child. We had so much fun flying down those hills. It was the only time of year that the massive hill was of any use! Sam didn’t want to use her sled, but whatever works!


Climbing back up was not generally a problem I used to have — we do have stairs! But Sam insisted on climbing up the hill. Mom said she slid back down quite a few times, but she kept on going!


She took a break to help shovel some snow…


Then throw some snow on her Poppy! But I heard he started it. 🙂


Well, I hope Sammy has fond memories of all this snow because I have to say, I am done with it! Enough is enough! It actually started flurrying again and I flipped out. Sam thought it was hysterical and kept imitating me yelling at the sky. Oh well…it’s all for her amusement, I guess. Happy Winter!

2 Responses to “Rosebud!”

  1. Debbie Plenn says:

    Glad someone’s enjoying all this snow!

  2. Debbie Plenn says:

    I love the picture of Sam climbing back up the hill by herself.

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