No more baby stuff…
Posted By pamelamyers on February 2, 2014
It occurred to me recently how few “baby” things we have around anymore. Or even toddler things, for that matter. Not that Sam is a baby, so this shouldn’t surprise me. But it still does. Little by little, all the things that are for babies or toddlers have disappeared. Sam stopped wearing training pants at night a little while ago. She really hasn’t needed them for months as they have been dry every morning, but she wanted to wear them, so I didn’t want to argue. But I decided there was no need to spend money on things we don’t need, so I told her we weren’t using them anymore and she didn’t care. Then, over Christmas, she told me she didn’t need her little potty anymore because she could use the big potty, so away that went too. And just about a week ago, I took her bed rail off her bed. I don’t worry about her falling out of bed anymore, and frankly, when she saw me taking it down, she told me she wouldn’t. The cups with lids are really our last concession to toddlerdom, and those can’t go since she doesn’t pay attention enough to not spill every drink. But otherwise, she is such a big girl now. She gets dressed mostly by herself, she can do zippers and she just mastered buttons. She helps me clean up, set the table, and feed Zephyr. We hung a hook by the door and she hangs up her coat, and her tote bag from school. It is really nice having her be more independent now since it means less for us to do for her and more she can do for us, but at the same time, it is a little sad. I will never have a helpless little baby again. A few times, Sam asked me if I wished she could be a baby again, but just for a little while, then she could go back to being a big girl. Yes, Sam. I do.
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