We Love You, Mom Mom
Posted By pamelamyers on February 25, 2014
This is probably the hardest post I’ve ever had to write. And frankly, I hope, the last one which conveys any sadness on this blog for a long time. One week ago today, we lost someone much too soon. Mark’s mom, Sandi, passed away very unexpectedly. She had been sick, but none of us anticipated losing her this soon. There were so many years we all deserved to spend together. How we are all going to go on without this amazing person — mother, grandmother, wife — we really don’t know.
Sam still has a hard time understanding when someone dies, what it really means, and why she can’t see them anymore. She will miss her Mom Mom so much. I keep thinking about all the things I wanted Sandi to do with Sam, all the things I wanted Sam to learn from her, and when I realize that won’t happen, it is devastatingly hard to fathom. I am so grateful that Sam is at an age where she can remember all the fun things they did together like making raviolis, trips to the shore, family dinners, and of course, Christmas. Sandi loved Christmas and spent so much time and effort making sure every child got the perfect thing. Family was so important to her and it showed in the way she was with all of us.
I still remember all that difficult time when Mark and I were trying to conceive. We were starting to think it was never going to happen. Sandi was almost as sad as we were. It pained her so much that we couldn’t seem to have children. Then, when Sam arrived, it put a smile on Sandi’s face that never left when she looked at her grandchildren. Sandi used to love telling all her friends about this blog, because she was so proud and so excited about Sam. Sam’s Mom Mom loved her so much.
There is so much to say about Sandi Myers, I don’t even know where to begin. But, as I have said in other, sad posts, this is Sam’s blog, and it is about how this moment, this event, affects her. I know that if Sam could type this herself, she would tell you that she loves her Mom Mom with all her heart. That she loved how Sandi would sit on the floor and play with her. That she misses talking to her, and hugging her, and hearing her voice. And that she will always remember the wonderful woman her Mom Mom was. I hope these pictures convey, even a little bit, the special bond these two wonderful people in our life had. Sandi, Mom Mom, Mom — we will never forget you.
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This is a beautiful tribute to Sam’s Mom-Mom.