Cutest Kids Ever!
Posted By pamelamyers on February 3, 2014
Sam and Maddox were being good kiddos recently and let Mark take some cute pictures of them. They look so darn adorable together, it is hard to resist! Look at those adorable faces.
Sam also had her own little photo session before Maddox arrived. She wanted to wear her pretty dress and so Mark thought it was the perfect time to take some new portraits.
Her beloved Boo Boo needed to be in the pictures too. It is so cute how she still loves her so much, even after all this time.
She has had Boo Boo since she was a baby, and although she loves all her stuffed animals, Boo Boo is her “go to” friend when she really needs a cuddle.
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That picture of Sam and Maddox is priceless.