Sam’s Fort
Posted By pamelamyers on February 13, 2014
More snow! Yup. Again. How this is not the snowiest winter on record, I have no idea. It is close though. I think we are maybe at third snowiest? I am losing track. The best you can do under the (frustrating) circumstances is to make the best of it. And Sam and Mark sure have. They have been sledding so many times, out playing, making snowmen, throwing snowballs, and now, in Sam’s opinion, Daddy’s best idea yet — a snow fort! Mark was running out of room to throw the snow we keep shoveling so he made her this gigantic pile and dug a tunnel in the middle. Sam was so excited. I wasn’t sure if she’d go through, but she did! Mark is a great dad, full of fun and exciting things for Sam to do. She is a lucky girl.
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