Hi, Easter Bunny!
Posted By pamelamyers on March 29, 2014
Yesterday Sam went to visit the Easter Bunny. He doesn’t quite rank as high as Santa in her book, but he comes close. The other day, Sam and my mom were at Springfield Mall and she saw his whole set up ready for picture taking, but the Easter Bunny wasn’t there yet and wouldn’t be until the following weekend. Last night, we decided to go to King of Prussia Mall after picking her up at school and, lo and behold, he was at the Court at King of Prussia. Sam was so excited! She peered down at him through the railing and couldn’t get down that escalator fast enough. She seems to think that visiting the Easter Bunny is like seeing Santa, but we keep telling her you don’t get to tell the Easter Bunny what you want in your basket! She likes seeing the Easter Bunny, but she doesn’t understand why he doesn’t talk. I told that her bunnies don’t talk, right? So the Easter Bunny doesn’t talk either. I think this picture is so cute. She looks so happy to be there.
Every year the Easter Bunny hides her basket so she has to look for it on Easter morning. She has been wondering and wondering where it will be this year for weeks. I liked Easter when I was a kid, but I think Sam has me beat. She is acting like it will be Christmas morning!
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