Sam’s Last Day of School

Posted By on May 21, 2014

Sam’s last day of school was not actually her graduation day, but today! A fun day filled with pizza and games. I had to take her picture before we left for Grandmom’s house. Somehow to me, she seems so much bigger, and so much older, than she was on her first day of school, only nine months ago. For a peek, click here.


I decided to surprise Sam by running home at lunch to meet her at school just to send her off and tell her to have a super fun last day. It was worth the drive to see the huge smile on her face. I got greeted at my mom’s car with a huge grin and a, “Mommy!! What are you doing here? Will you stay with me until my teacher comes?” I did stay with her and heard her tell her friend, Mia, that Mommy drove “all the way” from work to see her! So, yeah, it was worth it.

Sam came home that day full of excitement telling me all about bowling in the teacher’s basement and playing games with beanbags and buckets and all the pizza and ice cream they ate. (The day started so lovely, but it wound up raining by the time she went to school).

One year under her belt, who knows how many more to go. I wonder so often what Sam will do for a career. I hope whatever she picks, it makes her happy. Oh, yeah, and earns her gobs of money. She’s going to take care of her parents when they are old, right? Right? Right? Choose well, Sam, and just be happy, little girl.

One Response to “Sam’s Last Day of School”

  1. Debbie Plenn says:

    Sam looks adorable and I love her outfit.

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