Sam’s First School Pictures
Posted By pamelamyers on May 26, 2014
One last school post then we all take a break for the summer. Sam had school pictures taken in April and we didn’t get them back until the last week or so of school. That day, since it was a Friday and we were all home, Mark took some pictures of his own of Sam since she was all dressed up. She looked so pretty, and we had no idea how well the school photos would come out, so we did our own. We thought it would be interesting to see the difference, anyway. The picture actually came out very nice! But I still like Mark’s better. Her smile is more natural, and more vibrant, for her Dad, as it should be, but she did a great job posing nicely and not making a goofy face. The first picture is her official school picture, the rest are all Mark. Honestly, he could do this as a career, but Sam is his very favorite subject and I doubt he’d get as much joy out of taking pictures of random people.
One last picture, her class! Never forget them, Samantha, your very first friends.
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