Posted By on June 25, 2014

I’m not sure exactly why, it’s probably just a kid thing, but 100 seems to be the magic number in our house as far as Sam is concerned. Any time she needs a number, 100 is it. It will take 100 hours, 100 minutes, 100 days or something costs 100 dollars. She fixated on that number.  I think it’s funny how kids her age have no concept of time or money. She has also reached the typical, “Look at me mom!” age. She is always asking me to watch her do whatever she is doing. Sometimes it’s a big thing, sometimes, it’s just a funny face, but I have to look. Watching her grow and go through all these stages kids go through is so fun. She is growing up so fast, I have to remember to stop, pay attention, and enjoy it while it lasts.

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