Here we go again
Posted By pamelamyers on July 30, 2014
Mark and I are really tired of being, well, tired. Sam has been coming into our bed in the middle of the night for years now and it’s getting old. She is just too big and too wiggly. Between my lack of space, her radiator of a body making me sweat to death, and her little feet jabbing into either me or Mark all night, we have got to try to get Sam to sleep in her own bed. We really created this monster ourselves, I know that. I never let her fall asleep on her own when she was a baby because it was just too hard to put her in the crib and it didn’t seem like a big deal when she was older because she was small. And honestly, cuddling with her little self is very nice. But now she is way too big for our queen size bed and no one is sleeping well.
Mark and I decided that we had to put a stop to it so Monday night, we told Sam she was done. No more in our bed. She is to stay in her bed and if she doesn’t, we will start locking our door and she can’t come in. Never mind that we don’t actually have a lock on our door, she doesn’t know that. And we could always add one. We made her a chart like I used for potty training and told her she could get stickers or smiley faces or whatever and if she had a long run of stickers, she could get a special treat. Well, the first night was a disaster. She was up and crying and whining a million times so we didn’t sleep. We had even put a sleeping bag on the floor next to my side of the bed where she could sleep if she was lonely, but that still wasn’t good enough. Tuesday night, she actually stayed in her own bed until 4:15 a.m.! Whoo hoo! Let’s see how this goes. I’ll keep you posted.
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