The Great Sam-dini

Posted By on September 8, 2014

Sam  loves doing magic tricks. One of her favorites is to make a drink or food disappear. You have to close your eyes and then, well, the food or drink disappears! It is amazing. She is quite the magician.

The other day, she offered to tell me her secret. I told her, NO WAY. You can’t tell your secret! But she insisted I could know as long as I told no one else, not even Daddy. I promised I would never tell anyone, but, well…I guess I can tell you guys here, as long as you PROMISE not to tell anyone else. Ever.

Are you ready?

When you close your eyes, she drinks or eats the food.





Whoa. That is all I have to say. Amazing.

She has another trick, one where a ball falls off a little table ALL BY ITSELF. It is eerie, it is like it has a life of its own. She offered to tell me that secret too.


She shakes the table, just a little bit, but behind the ball, so you can’t see.

INSANE, isn’t it? But you can’t tell! Never! Not anyone! The Great Sam-dini will know if you do…she has secret, magic powers you know.

2 Responses to “The Great Sam-dini”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I like that Sam eats the food or drinks the water or whatever to make it disappear.

  2. Debbi Plenn says:


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