Great photo session today
Posted By markmyers on September 26, 2009
The recovery room where Pam has been staying at the hospital is small but has a great big window on one side that floods the room with natural light all day. We decided to take advantage of this today and do an intimate little photo shoot using only natural light. For all the other recent photos here I used daylight plus fill flash bounced off the ceiling but these are are all with window light only and a fast lens. I really like our results, enjoy.
3 Responses to “Great photo session today”
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Wow. These photos should be on display in a gallery. Sam is very photogenic.
These are beautiful – love them!
You look absolutely beautiful and totally elated and Mark, I have never seen you look so happy and absolutely in awe of Sam. And, of course, Sam gets more beautful every day. I can’t wait to hold her again;I will probably never want to put her down. Maria called and told me she saw Sam today and said, “she is beautful.” Analiece at 6 years old went on the blog to see these picture and it was definitely worth it. The picture of Uncle Flave is great too. My heart is so full of love for all three of you; your family–extended family is very lucky to have you all.