It’s Only Christmas Eve! Come on, Santa!

Posted By on December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve is always a nutty day. Sam is so excited about Christmas being so close that she is close to exploding all day long. Early in the morning, I let her hang out with me and play on the Kindle. Computer games always seem to quiet kids down…


One of the things Sam wanted me to do for her this year was make her a Christmas shirt just like the one I made for her Mom Mom about a million years ago. Back in the day, when Mark and I were first dating, I used to be super crafty. I was always making things and really enjoyed it. I made a Christmas sweatshirt for Sandi and she loved it. She wore it every single year at Christmas time. Here are some links to Sandi wearing it in 2010 and 2012. I don’t know if she wore it every year after all that time because she was just trying to be nice, or because she actually loved it, but I suspect she actually loved it. Sandi was like that. She appreciated the gestures people made, and giving her a handmade gift would be one of those gestures. At any rate, after she died, we found the sweatshirt in her closet and I brought it home. Sam saw it and wanted one of her own. I managed to make a similar one and so we decided some pictures would be appropriate.


I think her Mom Mom would have loved to see Sam in a shirt just like hers. I know I was happy to be wearing it, to feel closer to Sandi, but at the same time, wish she could have been here to wear it herself. A picture of Sam with Sandi, in matching shirts, would have made me more happy than having it myself.


We eventually got everyone in for a family photo. Zephyr wasn’t too thrilled to have her picture taken, but we always want the whole family in our pics. We are so happy we have our little cat with us for yet another Christmas.


Sam was in the mood to pose, so we grabbed the opportunity to take some cute pictures of our adorable little girl.


She wanted a photo of her and Zephyr in the worst way. Poor Zephyr!



That night, Sam’s Pop Pop and Grandmom and Poppy came over to see her and to wait anxiously for Santa to arrive. Of course, more photo ops!




Sam said she didn’t want Santa to visit our house this year before bringing presents, so I called him to let him know he didn’t need to stop by. I’m not really sure why Sam said that, she never did tell me, but at least we saved him a trip. Santa’s a busy guy on Christmas Eve!  We heard something that sounded like sleigh bells so Sam went to check to make sure he wasn’t nearby. She wasn’t in bed yet and was worried!


Time for Santa’s snack! No cookies this year – Sam thought he might like some pumpkin bread, and carrots for the reindeer, obviously. We left him nice cold water, since that is what Sam thought he would like.


Our little goofball, pretending to be a reindeer!


Then it was off to bed for Sam. She was all worked up. I finished her books then laid down with her quietly so she could go to sleep. She sighed and told me anxiously, “I’m NEVER going to fall asleep before Santa comes!” She was truly worried that she wouldn’t be able to sleep and Santa would skip our house. I assured her that Santa would not skip our house, sang quietly to her, and off she went to sleep. Let the craziness begin tomorrow!

One Response to “It’s Only Christmas Eve! Come on, Santa!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I love the pictures of Sam and Zephyr. Zephyr looks very good.

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