A few firsts for Sam
Posted By pamelamyers on September 29, 2009
Today Sam had a few firsts that are worth reporting, at least to us. She had her first little sponge bath at home, which went pretty well. There wasn’t too much crying, which I guess is a good sign that I did ok. She really needed one, since her hair was starting to look like it needed a shampoo, and frankly, we couldn’t wait to do one more new thing with her. Needlesss to say, she emerged from her bath looking simply fabulous, and her hair is silky soft now and worthy of a magazine cover.
Since Mommy was feeling a little housebound (I went from 6 days cooped up in the hospital, to 2 days cooped up at home), Sam decided that a little walk down the block would do us both some good. Well, ok, it was Mark’s idea, but neither Sam nor I were complaining. We bundled up Sam and popped her in her stroller for the first time and headed down the block for a short walk. Sam got to meet some of the neighbors who all said that she is just gorgeous (of course!) and I think the fresh air did us both some good.
What first are we going to have tomorrow? Her first visit to the pediatrician. Somehow, I don’t think Sam will enjoy that one as much as her walk or her bath!
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So glad you got to introduce Sam to the neighborhood.
Waiting for a report on Samantha’s visit to the pediatrician. Did she by any chance wear her doggie jacket?
analiece calling what is sam,s middle name
It is Anne