Sam’s first pediatrician visit

Posted By on September 30, 2009

Today Sam went to the pediatrician for the first time.  We thought she’d be a good girl and not fuss too much, except for when we had to take all of her clothes off, and we were right!  Our little one does NOT like being naked, which I am sure makes her daddy happy ; )  She only cried when she was undressed, and even then, not for long.  She is such an angel.

Her exam went very well, as expected, and the pediatrician said she looks just perfect.  She is now 7 lbs 9 oz which is one ounce above her birth weight.  The doctor was pleased as he said sometimes it takes babies 2 weeks to gain their weight back.  We knew Sam was a good little eater!  We made her next appointments (for when she is one month and then 2 months old) and were told no shots until her 2 month appointment.  I don’t know who will be more upset that day, her or us!

After the doctor, we decided to stop at the grocery store to pick up something to make for dinner, since she seemed perfectly content and sleepy in her carseat.  We strolled through the aisles of Acme for quite a while and she slept the whole time.  I can’t wait until I can get out and about more easily and I can take her shopping with me, and take her to lunch, and all those girl things. We are going to have such a good time!

One Response to “Sam’s first pediatrician visit”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    More pixs please.

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