Next Stop, Myers house!

Posted By on December 26, 2014

We arrived at Pop Pop’s house and everyone was already there. It was great to see Krista, Adam, Maddox and Ryder, Analiece and Joey, and Rich, of course, but it was more than a little off with Sandi not being there. I did feel like she was there in spirit though, making sure her family had a wonderful day and smiling down at all of us while we opened our gifts.

Sam was so excited to see her Barbie pool – she has been asking for one ever since I made the mistake of telling her I had one when I was little. I have learned that is something I should never do unless I plan on getting her whatever I am talking about. She wants everything I ever had when I was a kid.


Ryder’s very first Christmas! He was pretty unimpressed, as every baby his age is. 🙂


Pop Pop bought Sam a make your own snow globe kit. This was a huge hit with Sam. We woke up this morning, as in, the day after Christmas, and she wanted to make them. I was still in bed and she was asking.  Oh boy…


The Burke family – wait, where the heck is Maddox? Running around opening presents, just like Sam. Well, the majority of the Burke family anyway.


A nice pic of Mark and his dad…


…and Krista and her dad.


All together now – Cheese!


Analiece and Joey had opened most of their gifts before we got there, but we had things for them too, so there was still fun to be had.


Joey was working hard assembling Legos almost the entire time.


The chaotic scene!


There’s Maddox! He was helping Ryder with some of his presents. We all thought it was so sweet. He is such a good big brother.


After the gifts were all opened and dinner was cooking, the kids took some time to settle down and relax. Analiece was playing a game on her new Kindle and Sam and Maddox jumped right in to see.


We all had our traditional homemade ravioli dinner then hung out for a while. Ryder was fascinated with Mark’s necklace and his watch. It is so funny what babies find interesting. Sam did her best to help keep everything out of Ryder’s mouth, where he wanted all things to go.


As we were leaving to go home to have dinner with my parents, we spotted this flock of wild turkeys just strolling down the road! Rich has told us about them before and sent us a picture or two, but it was so bizarre to see them casually traipsing down the road in Aston. What a sight! I guess they feel it’s safe now that Thanksgiving has passed. 😉


One Response to “Next Stop, Myers house!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I have a lump in my throat reading this post. Aside from how hard it was for all of you, it must have been even harder for Rich. But it was nice you could all be together. Amazing how old Annaliece is getting.

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