The Joy of Snow

Posted By on January 25, 2015

Over the last few days, Sam got something she has been wishing for – snow! Not a lot, but enough to make her heart sing. Mark took her out after dinner the first night, even though we had so little time before she had to go to bed. Sam wanted to play so badly he had a hard time telling her no. Mark is a sport, I will tell you. I like to indulge her, but (a) playing in the snow is not super fun for me and (b) that late at night, I’d have to tell her, sorry, but no.

I grabbed the camera hoping to just take a picture or two and Sam saw me. In a pose that I seem to get a picture of every year, Sam is ever ready to pelt me with a snowball.


She was the happiest girl in town! Outside! In the dark! In the snow!


Mark seemed a bit frozen, but he played with her all the same and let her hang out as long as was possible.


There may not have been much snow on the ground (I can see the grass for goodness sake!) but Sam managed to put together a snowman. He looks a bit duck-like, if you ask me.


Our next snow a few days later was a bit more promising. The snow was wetter and great for making snowmen. Sam wanted to make a whole family.


Here we are! Daddy, Sam and Mommy. Mark was originally the larger one, but Sam changed her mind because the biggest one has a heart in its hair and boys don’t wear heart barrettes! Silly!


I know Sam is waiting for the big blizzard that we never got last year, and as much as I hate snow, I kind of hope she gets it. I just hope if it comes, the temperatures warm up quickly after so that it melts right away!

One Response to “The Joy of Snow”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I hope Sam gets the snow storm she is hoping for. I love get snow family.

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