Mommy’s Little Helper, Indeed!
Posted By pamelamyers on February 13, 2015
Sam can really surprise me sometimes. Last night, she actually stayed in her own bed (not even in her sleeping bag on our floor) until after 5:00 a.m. She then climbed into our bed (I showed her on a digital clock that until the first number is a “5”, she can’t come into our bed) and with all her wiggling kind of kept me up at that point, but she left on her own around 6:30. I heard lots of noise downstairs (but not enough to concern me) and she came back into our room a little after 7:00 holding a can of Zephyr’s food. She said, “Can you open this so Zephyr stops going meow meow meow?” I popped the top and handed it back to her and she went off downstairs. I got up a few minutes later and after brushing my teeth and such headed for the stairs. Sam was on her way up and she wouldn’t let me go downstairs. I finally did go down and found that not only had Sam fed Zephyr, but she also changed both water bowls, emptied her litter box, chucked the bag of litterbox waste outside (we do that when it is more than urine), cleaned up all her Legos, and straightened her doll house (she knows I can’t stand it when the dollhouse looks like a hurricane hit). I was so proud of my big girl for doing so many things to make my morning easier. She acted like it was no big deal, which cracks me up. Sam acted all nonchalant, like she does it all the time. Her only real comment was that she doesn’t like emptying the litter because it’s too hard. Why is it that kids are so willing to do things when it’s their idea, and not yours? If only we could somehow manipulate this to our benefit, how easy life would be….
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Sam certainly a big help. It is so sweet that she takes care of Zephyr.