Happy Valentine’s Day!
Posted By pamelamyers on February 13, 2015
Sam was super excited about Valentine’s Day, just like she is every year. We bought cards for her classmates and she had tons of surprises for Mark and I. Doing her cards this year was so much easier than last year! She is so good at writing her name now it was no big deal at all. Last year, she signed her name to each card, but I wrote her friends’ names since she could barely get through her own! This year, I offered to write her friends’ names and she quickly shot down that idea because, “They are my friends, Mommy, and the cards are from me!” Well. There you go. We had Frozen cards for the girls and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cards for the boys. She carefully picked each one for each student. She even wanted to make cards for her teachers, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. Hayes. Sam didn’t think it would be right to have them excluded. She is such a thoughtful little girl. It is one of the things I love most about her. Here are the cards she made. She even drew pictures on each one of her giving a valentine to her teacher. I did write the teachers’ names on the cards so it would be easier for Sam to figure out which card was for which teacher. She can’t really spell their names but she knows what letter their last names start with from the sound, so I made sure she knew to look at the letters.
Sam got all decked out in her Valentine’s Day finest. She was ready for her party at school! Best looking girl in her class, and certainly the most Valentiney!
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Sam looks beautiful in her Valentine Day outfit.