Biking at Ridley

Posted By on May 23, 2015

We’ve been working on getting Sam riding her bike more and more so that she builds up some stamina. We want to be able to really go bike riding with her for a decent length ride, but she needs to be able to go for a while, up hills, down hills, without getting too tired. She has been doing great because Mark has been taking her out a lot after work. Recently, we decided that a trip to Ridley Creek State Park was in order. It is a nice smooth surface for her to ride on, although, the hills can be killer, even for an adult. Sam was ready to go! There was lots of bike riding, but also lots of time out to explore.




Sam got tired toward the end, but the easiest way to get her moving it to challenge her to a race. She’s in the lead!


Look at these professional riders! Ready for the Tour de France.




As we were putting the bikes back on the car at the entrance, this adorable (and super friendly) cat jumped up to see everyone. Sam was so excited! I think it made the whole day for her. It was a pleasant surprise, for all of us. 🙂


One Response to “Biking at Ridley”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    It’s nice to see the family biking together. What an extra bonus for Sam to see that beautiful kitty. I know she misses Zephyr a lot. Did she want to take the kitty home?

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