Lightening Bugs
Posted By pamelamyers on June 28, 2015
Sam has been begging me for so long to let her stay up late to see the lightening bugs (or fireflies). I really did want her to see them, but she gets to be so whiny and bossy when she is tired that it is hard to let her stay awake long enough. The lightening bugs only come out when it is hot, and well, when it’s hot, it means summer, and it’s that much later before it is dark enough to see them. Last night though she was up pretty late because she was playing with her friend Julia until well after 7:00, she still had to eat, and get a bath, so…perfect lightening bug night. I didn’t tell Sam that she was going to be allowed to stay up because it would just have been my luck that they wouldn’t appear for some reason that night. When Mark looked out the door and called to Sam to come and look, she was so excited! It didn’t take long for her to figure out how to catch them.
She ran all over the yard chasing after them. It was so fun seeing her running around in her nightgown, wet head and all, giggling and calling out to us every time one lit up near her. One lightening bug landed on her hair. Sam was so excited!
The joy on her face made it completely worth it for her to stay up late. One of the many joys of summer that we were glad to finally share with our girl.
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I love the picture of Sam with her arms outstretched. I’m glad she got to see and chase the fireflies.