Visit to the Myers

Posted By on October 24, 2009

Today we went to visit my parents at their house for the first time. Krista and Maddox were there and we had a nice visit and then all went out for Italian. The weather has been miserable out, we went outside for pictures and luckily had literally five minutes without rain before the sky opened up.


Here are the proud moms showing off their new babies in matching outfits! They didn’t buy these on purpose (or so they said) it just worked out this way.


By this point, Sam had enough of pictures so was striking a celebrity pose 🙂


2 Responses to “Visit to the Myers”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Love the orange outfits. I see Pam is back in her jeans. She looks great.

  2. Mark and Pam,

    Love all of these pictures–cutest babies in the world. I love seeing you and Pam and Samantha looking so happy–that makes me so happy……love, mom

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