Sam the Pet Vet? Or Flutist? Hmmm…so many choices.
Posted By pamelamyers on August 29, 2015
Sam has been seeing commercials for new episodes of Doc McStuffins, which she loves, where Doc is a pet vet. I have been hearing about it for weeks! Thankfully, the episodes finally came on and Sam couldn’t wait to watch. Mark and I had to get some pictures of her playing. While the episode was on, she got out all of her doctor stuff and gave her stuffed doggie a checkup.
Poor puppy seems to have a cast, and is getting a shot. Doctor Sam to the rescue! Maybe she’ll go to veterinary school someday. We certainly love animals in our house.
Or maybe not. After the show was over, it was time for a concert. It started out just Sam and Mark goofing around, then it turned into a whole band! I didn’t know her stuffed animals were so talented. 🙂
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That would be sooooo nice if Sam became a vet.