First smiles : )
Posted By pamelamyers on October 30, 2009
Today was the first day that I really believe Sam was smiling at us : ) She has smiled before, but not really in reaction to anything. I think the books call those “spontaneous smiles” as opposed to “social smiles”. Well, tonight, Mark and I were hanging out with Sam listening to music and she was definitely smiling. She was propped up across my legs, and we were listening to Diana Krall’s “All for You” album (a great mix of bopping jazz and soft standards) and singing out loud to her, making her little hands play air instruments, and moving her little legs like she was dancing, and boy was Sam all smiles! It was so cute to actually see her smiling at us in reaction to things we were doing to her. Mark had thought earlier that day that she smiled at him while she was sitting in her bouncer chair, and I think he was right!
Every day she just amazes me more and more. I keep thinking I can’t possibly love her any more than I already do, but then she does something and I think, ok, so I can love her a LOT more. I remember my boss Greg telling me a story about one of his daughters when she was a baby and how he had the worst day and was so exhausted and was up in the middle of the night I think feeding her and he kept thinking, oh my God, please hurry up and eat I just want to sleep, then he looked down at her and she was staring up into his face completely mesmorized, and he thought, ok, so this is what is really important, this is what it’s all about. Now I know exactly what he means. Those little smiles meant more to me than any other even remotely good thing that happened all week : )
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That is a lovely post. I am sooooohappy for u and Mark and all the happiness Samantha is bringing into ur life. BTW, I love Diana Krall