Sam and Muffin

Posted By on November 7, 2009

Just the other day, I was sitting on the couch with Sam just relaxing in the morning.  Muffin came over to sit with us, which has become a habit of his. I thought it was so cute when Sam reached out and touched him.  At first I thought he was going to leave, but then he just picked up his head to see who was touching him and then put it back down again when he saw it was Samantha.  The cats have been so good to her — I really anticipated a lot of hissing, growling, and running away when we brought her home from the hospital, but that never happened at all, not once.  Here are some pictures that Mark managed to snap before either one of them moved.



This last picture isn’t with Muffin, but I just thought Samantha had a cute look on her face. She is laying on her play gym which she is finally starting to enjoy.  She hasn’t quite gotten the hang of actually grabbing or touching anything that is hanging above her head, but she does like to look at everything now, and she pays attention to the bee which plays music and she smiles at the things hanging above her sometimes.  She loves her mobiles now too, and is always looking out the window when you hold her.  It is amazing how aware she is now of the things around her.


One Response to “Sam and Muffin”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    From the pixs I can see how aware she has become. Her eyes are wide open. The pixs of her and muffin are sooooooooooo sweet. I am so glad he is still w/us to enjoy Samantha.

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