She loves school :)

Posted By on September 10, 2015

Sam came home from her first full day of school today full of smiles. I wasn’t sure how it would go. It is so different than preschool. Whereas last year at St. Matt’s I used to walk her inside and wait with all the other parents for the teacher to take them up to class, this year, we simply get in the car line and an aide comes and opens the car doors and off each kid goes.  I thought it was possible she’d be upset, but she gave me a million hugs and kisses, we did kissing and hugging hands, and she zoomed off to the door.

Mark and I asked her how her day was and she laughed and laughed telling us about “Mrs. W” who came into her class yelling, “What are all you kids doing in here? How did you get in here?” Then when she left she ran right into the glass walls of the classroom. I am so glad that they have teachers who are silly and try to make the kids feel at ease. Sam must have told us that story a million times, and she laughed just as loud every time.

When I was putting her to bed, she told me, “Mom, I love kindergarten.” She told me about the friends she made on the playground, about the girl she shares her locker with (name unknown at this point) and everything they do. She quickly made a friend, Adeline. She always seems to make fast friends with someone, first Julia, then Ava. I am so happy she always finds a friend right away and that she loves her teacher and everything about her school. I have no doubt she is going to have a great year!

One Response to “She loves school :)”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    So glad to hear it was a positive experience for Sam.

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